How to make yourself unforgettable for Your partner…

For the last few weeks I’ve been giving you some beautiful and mind blowing practices to do with your partner.
How have you found them? Have they helped or served you on some level?
In this week, you’re going to learn another couple of practices that will be helpful in your relationship.
It fascinates me to no end that we have a problem with receiving.
Too many people were taught to give, but not to really receive. In relationships and as in making love there are always moments of giving and receiving. Just as with breathing, You give a breath, you take a breath.
Your heart gives a beat, it remains silent or rests for that very short moment, the tide comes in and it goes out, the waves laps onto the beach and pulls back. There is always a rhythm that must take place. Because that is the way of balance. Your relationship is built on that balance.
The thing is most humans were taught to give and receive simultaneously, as you can imagine that actually goes a bit against the natural rhythms. And this is limiting your pleasure potential.
You can’t really connect with your pleasure because your focus is constantly on your partner. Naturally you experience the deepest and most intense pleasure when you have the space to be present in yourself and to actually notice and feel the sensations and stimuli that you’re getting during s3x.
You’re actually receiving and giving while you’re engaging in non penetration sex (foreplay) as well as oral sex, kissing and making love.
When we dissect this a little more, you’ll realize that the person that is actually giving is the more active partner – just like the tide, the forward momentum is obviously the more active energy. When you are the receiver, you’re more passive (you’re in the Winter rhythm – more on that in coming emails.)
When you are being served (forward momentum, receiving) you’re actually in a space that enjoys the most pleasure being offered upon You.
As the receiver if you are truly allowing yourself to go into that space, has no need to fulfil anything or to return anything and is therefore in the moment where they can be completely present in their bodies. They are fully present to sensations, to pleasure, to the thrust, to the movement, to the exquisite pleasure that moves through each cell, which expands their pleasure potential incredibly.
Okay so consider this – you were likely taught as the receiver that you had to be “doing something”. You have to touch, move, speak and so on, but wait for it…
What if you could do nothing BUT RECEIVE.
Only receive. Feel the out pour of love, of pleasure and everything flowing into you and for you and to You? What if you could just simply be.
Receiving the worshipping energy of being pleasured and pleased? This goes for anyone that is going into the receiving mode. Both men and women. If she takes over, let her serve you in that moment wholeheartedly. Receiving her song, her message, her in all of her raw glory. You are both bearing your souls to each other in this process.

Slowing Down…
Once you have been able to really truly create more safety during intimacy with the other practices and you’ve been able to really connect, this practice shows it’s brilliance. And it shines.
How many of us are actually taking time to slow down? I know I had to retrain myself to slow down. To sit. And I mean sit. Not do anything. It was such a foreign experience for me because I had been taught to constantly be in forward motion all the time.
If you’re not doing something You’re backsliding and moving back came the warnings. BUT what if actually slowing down, being present allowed us a massive leap forward in our relationships, business, money, love, pleasure and thriving?
Meditation, breathwork and slowing down is making a big come back. People are realizing the power of being in the feminine energy, of nurturing, taking care of ourselves. So can you let yourself carve out time for your relationship? For slowing down, to connect. To actually just sit and be? Can you carve out the time to make love? To make it part of your life where it’s conscious love making. Not just a F*ck?
Because that f*ck doesn’t come with the many powerful benefits that true love making comes with. It leaves most people feeling more bereft when they feel like each other’s f*ck buddies rather than passionate lovers.
What if you could slow down your love making… Breathing slower, while you softly touch with presence your partner?
What if foreplay was drawn out over the day instead of just 20 minutes? What if you penetrating your partner were slower, or as you sheath your partner into your body, you could do it slowly and just sense the pleasure filling your body as they fill You up?
What if you could lick or nibble a nipple, doing it slowly – feeling it on your tongue. The sensations playing over your lips and your tongue, what if you could feel it pebble against your lips… what if as you’re kissing each other, that you can drink each other in slowly, just for a moment deepen that kiss?
Anticipation is incredible. It is a secret weapon most have forgotten about, when you slow it all down you can completely lose yourselves in the anticipation of the pleasure, fun and connection.
Once connecting, you can slow down everything in your lovemaking… your touch, your breath, your foreplay, your pauses, your in and out strokes, your words, your kisses, your tongue as it teases a nipple, a clitoris, or an earlobe.
Draw out your kisses… hold her lip between your lips just a little bit longer… slowly run the tip of your tongue around his lips. How about softening yourself towards the idea of slowing down, of truly just feeling, smelling sensing and losing yourself in the sensations of this sacred experience. Making love is sacred. You are laying your souls bare naked to each other. You are showing up raw, no mask, no clothes and totally open.
And showing up with reverence, slowing down and truly being present means you’re worshipping at the Divine altar of your partner and they at yours.
Enjoy Your pleasure and play my friends.
To You ecstasy.