What do I love about myself Practice

When I ask clients what they love about themselves, that question is evaded like it’s the plague itself. All tactics of diversion is used. And all forms of changing the subject is masterfully employed to just not answer that question.
I maintain the importance of self love, not narcissism. But self love, self compassion and self acceptance is the way for people to truly experience depth in their lives.
I’m not talking about entitlement either. Goodness knows there has been a lot going around of that. But the self love where You know that You as well as the other person also brings so much to the table.
Where You know that what You have to offer is indeed valuable, and that You are a person full of so much depth.
In this blog post, I have a short little self love practice. Developed to help build a better relationship with Yourself.
I am excited to hear how you get on with it. Please feel free to email me and let me know how you found it.
Practice :
Get Your phone out and record Yourself speaking out loud for 5 minutes, all the things that You love about yourself. Why record it? So you can write it out as well as further the depth of the practice simply through meditation or contemplation.
This is a beautiful practice to do in the mornings, because it allows You to truly feel deeply grounded in Your self love – which then flows into the rest of Your day.